February 24, 2007

What's the Nearest Book to You?

I found this game on my friend's blog, flowerchain - hmmm - a light-hearted thought is just what I need!

The Rules of the game:
1. Find the nearest book to you.
2. Name the book and author.
3. Turn to page 123.
4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page.
5. Copy out the next 3 sentences.

James doesn't let me read to him, unless its bedtime. And the bedtime book we're reading and is therefore lying around is Peter Pan by J M Barrie.

"As he emerged at the top he looked the very spirit of evil breaking from its hole. Donning his hat at its most rakish angle, he wound his cloak around him, holding one end in front as if to conceal his person from the night, of which it was the blackest part, and muttering strangely to himself stole away through the trees."

Captain Hook is quite the menacing villian! And I laugh at Pete"a" Pan!

Now, if you want to play along pick up the closest book to you, post it, or type away in the comments!


Anonymous said...

Well, to be honest, the closest books to me are by Sandra Boynton and Mo Willems and they don't exactly make it to page 123. The next closest is "American Gospel," by Jon Meacham. Here goes:

"It takes nothing away from the power of Ward's hymn to note that the real story of abolition was more than a clash between faithful Northerners and godless Sotherners. The slaveholders were far from godless--which offers a cautionary tale about the uses of religion in public life.

"If slavery is not wrong," Lincoln once said, "then nothing is wrong."

Ammon said...

I'm sure you'll laugh at me, but I just finished "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix." Did I just hear a gasp? Anyway, hear goes!
"Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" J.K. Rowling

"She's Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and she's the one who will be questioning you.
Amelia Bones is okay, Harry, said Tonks earnestly. She's fair, she'll hear you out."

Anonymous said...

I had to skip over Mo Willems (though I did think about calculating what would be the 123rd page) and the dictionary (no sentences), so the next on the shelf are church reference books. Fortunately, True to the Faith was closer than the Church Handbook of Instructions (that would have been interesting...I just checked it out and it starts on page 161, go figure.) So, here it is from True to the Faith:

"Heavenly Father hears your prayers. He may not always answer as you expect, but He does answer - in His own time and according to His will. Because He knows what is best for you, He may sometimes answer no, even when you petitions are sincere."

Ann said...

I love this idea. here goes:

Teaching of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff-don't know the author

"I believe that the Lord will fulfil what he says; I believe that he will fulfil his promises unto the Latter-day Saints and unto the world, unto Zion and Babylon; and if he does there is something at the door, something for us, as Latter-day Saints, to do."

Anonymous said...

Hi Ang-
Well I don't have any books just bills in front of me. We are big fans of Peter Pan... Swords fights and pirate talk are what we like in this house.