February 18, 2007

Curiosity Killed the Cat

This is what I want to know - was it worth it? I mean, if the cat's dead, he can't voice his opinion. But there is a chance that it was worth it. Whatever led to his death could have been mighty exciting and even fulfilling. I hope it was worth it - that whatever he was curious about was pretty good.

I have hope for the curious cat because I am a lot like him. I am very curious. I wonder who reads this. I wonder what they think. I wonder if they will ever leave a comment. As a self-proclaimed hypocrite, I can say that I have read many a blog in the past without leaving a comment; partly because I didn't know you had to click the on the word "comment" in order to and partly because I thought I needed an account - but don't (on some). But mostly because the anonymity was safe. I didn't have to try and be witty - and still come up short.

I hope no one feels like that - because you can't come up short - I hope people know they can write whatever they want - no rules on Cheerios. I am trying to be more bold - and say hello wherever I go! And my curiosity hopes you will to...


Anonymous said...

You may be somewhat like a curious cat, except for the being dead part.

angie said...

the only way i was able to get ben to leave a message was to threaten him with posting pictures of him in a leotard...pat, watch out :)

Anonymous said...

a curious dead cat is superior to a dull dead cat

Anonymous said...

I hope this comment satisfies some of your curiosity. I love your blog and read it whenever I get a sec on the computer-and I must admit I'm curious too! I'v even looked at other blogs linked to yours.
I don't know.
Who are these people?
I don't know.
Why have I spent almost an hour reading their blogs?
Guess I'm just curious!

Anonymous said...

I am a curious cat myself. I read your blog every day, I peruse all of your links, and your links' links. If only people knew I was snooping around!

Anonymous said...

Okay, you got me! Meow!

Anonymous said...

I feel a lot of pressure in my heart to comment after such a most eloquent blog. There is no fear of commenting when you can keep your anonyminity. I hope the cat has a few lives left yet and will find something else to kill it in the future:)

angie said...

I say, no fair being anonymous!

jamieanne said...

Angie! I'm so glad to have found you. You are a dear, sweet friend. I'm feeling guilty I haven't been in touch with you. Not to worry, I shall return...comments and all! xoxo.

Kyndra said...

I'm reading - and not just because I am a little home bound these days, but because I genuinely love reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

You know I am here. (being away for a week has killed me, my curiosity has been scratching away) I will always be here (or come back itching for more), so keep your blog going - it is the highlight of my day!