February 23, 2007

Red Letter Day

Yesterday was the kick-off of Red Week. In an attempt to teach Chase his colors - I am repeating something I did with younger James...
For breakfast we had strawberries and raspberries in milk.
For lunch we had red jello, apples, and jam sandwiches.
For dinner we had pizza with tomato sauce and tomatoes on top.

We played with red model magic.
We painted red mixed-medium masterpieces.

On our drive we shouted out every red thing we saw - red lights, stop signs, red Hummers, red signs, painted curbs, and the cherry on top - a blazing red fire truck.

As we read, we hunted for red on each page - a Where's Waldoish with the color red.

You get the picture - its just a way to say the word "red," over and over until Chase really gets it - its easy and fairly preparation free. I'll eventually do it with all of the colors (but for a week it'll be red), and move onto shapes, and numbers - we have a "Circle" Day, etc. The model works for anything.

In fact, it even works with abstract concepts. If you start looking for kindness, you'll find yourself surrounded by it - I've really been aware of it lately - the same way the red brake lights seemed to light up the world in a new and brighter way than I ever noticed before.


Anonymous said...

I love red! I love red on the forehead of Chase! Hey, is that my shirt he's wearing to keep the red off the important clothes?

Leslie said...

fun idea! we'll have to try that with little miles one day.

Anonymous said...

I wish I was there!!!!

Anonymous said...

Mia says: "I would paint my whole body and face all over in red." Andrew says: "Do it, Mia. Do it right now!" Andrew also wants to say: "I love you to James and Chase-Red." I say: "Do you think it is too late to start this with Andrew??"

Annie said...

these are such great ideas! It has been fun browsing through your blog. Where are you guys now? It looks like Northern California??? So far my favorite thing about blogging is finding old friends. Your boys are adorable!

Ann said...

I LOVE this idea!! I cannot wait for Lucy to be old enough to try this. You have such fun and original ideas--I love to hear about them!