March 29, 2007

"Steak" Out

James is busily working on a detective chapter book - he dictates to me. Anyhow, we are currently on chapter four and it is titled - Stake Out Time - and James illustrated the page with what else - a steak!
"What's a Stake Out, James?"
"You know, when you sit in a car eating donuts until you pass gas your guts out."
I don't know what he's been reading - but apparently its not the richest literature. Anyhow, on a cleaner note, here's what James is working on (just a teaser to prepare you for the release)...

Chapter 1 - Dark Falls on a Scary Night

James and Chase are eight year old twins. James was born exactly one minute before Chase. And Hailey was born exactly one year later...that makes Haily seven and the perfect assistant.
James likes football. Chase is into basketball. Haily loves princesses. And they all love solving mysteries.
Hailey spots Mr. Klopper first. "Look," she cries. James and Chase turn to look through the window.
"What?!" said James.
"Huh?!" said Chase.
"Look!" she says again. Sure enough, Mr Klopper was walking up the driveway (they had a red Lincoln Navigator). He walked past the Navigator and towards the front steps. James opened the front door.
"Hello," said Hailey.
"Hello," said Chase.
"Hello," said James.
"Hi," said Mom.

Chapter 2 - Mr. Klopper's Story

"So," said James, "What's the problem with you today?"
"I work in an Ancient Egyptian Museum." said Mr. Klopper. "One of our mummies got lost. And I am supposed to find it before the museum director pulls off the cover. And I need you three guys to help me find it. "
"Ok, we'll do it, as fast as lightning!" said Chase.
"Nuh-uh," said James "What if it takes a few minutes or a few hours?"
"Oh, yeah," said Chase "Well, anyway, we are still going to help you."
"Thank you," said Mr. Klopper.


laurel said...

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for what happens next!

Ann said...

I'm very scared!! But I know if James, Chase and Hailey are on the case, it will be solved in a jiffy! Can't wait to hear how it ends

jamieanne said...

I 3rd that opinion. Very engaging, indeed. And if that's what a stake-out really is, I want no part of law enforcement.

Megan said...

Very intriguing! Yay for James and books!

Anonymous said...

Oh. my. goodness.

I love this soooo much! Thanks to James for sharing his work in progress. I really can't wait to find out what happens next!

catherine said...

Obviously James has been hanging out with his Uncle Ben a little bit too much - Language wise, I mean

Leslie said...

i think james needs a blog . . .

Anonymous said...

What a masterpiece - way to go James!!! I used to write books too - but I would always stop after the first chapter - keep it up James.