April 15, 2007

Undo the Updo

When the weather gets too cold, a lot of the palm trees get an updo. But often as the weather gets warmer, they never get their undo. The weather has been quite lovely for months, but these poor palm trees, remain in an unnatural pony-tail state. I took this picture as we were out running errands.

Tangent 1 - If I leave my hair in a pony too long, my head actually aches when I take it down, I can only imagine what the palm tree is feeling.

Tangent 2 - The best hair story I have ever heard starts with my five year old brother and friend causing quiet mischief in the bedroom. Quiet mischief is always the worst kind, and when my mother found them, Tim had lost most of his hair at my brother's scissored hand. My mother, fearing the consequence of this hair massacre, picked up the offending scissors and butchered her own child's locks. She kept chopping until the remaining red mane looked as bad as Tim's. I still don't know if it was madness or genius. But, my mother was able to say, "Look what they did to each other!" instead of, "Look what my son did to yours."

Tangent 3 - Ridi recently returned from Samoa and she brought home footage of a cousin climbing a coconut tree not really using anything - it only took a minute as he flew up and down - pretty impressive. I wonder what it would be like to really eat off the land.


Leslie said...

that was a very smart move on your mother's part. and who can you call about those poor trees?

jamieanne said...

Those poor pony-tailed palms. I bet they have a migraine by now.

Ammon said...

From one blogger to another, do people give you funny looks when you're taking a picture of something for your blog...like the palm trees? I got some weird stares at the Rodeo and at the Sno Cone Shack!
Also, how clever of your mom!

Anonymous said...

The "rest of the story"...the whole hair cropping story came to light 14 years after the event! There must have been a statute of limitations in place.