June 19, 2007

And the Charade Begins

Unlike Audrey Hepburn in the movie Charade, my own charade involves the lab coat costume I recently acquired (ok, its a real lab coat - and i am a real teacher - it just feels foreign). And my leading character is sadly not Cary Grant - but a badly behaved fifth grader (the second and third graders make much better leads). Anyhow, I will try and stay a day ahead of them. Yesterday was the circulatory system, and the chicken heart I brought in was greeted with ooh's and ah's (for the record I'm in the "ewey" category).


Eva's Mom said...

Chicken hearts!!! Did you read from "the tell-tale heart"? Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub.

jamieanne said...

Chicken hearts?!? Ewwww.

Erin said...

Lab coats rule!! And so does Charade. I didn't know you were a teacher. I wish I would have had you.

Ann said...

you said 'the chicken heart I brought'...did you just have one lying around your house?!?! You must be the most amazing teacher!! So proud of you!