July 5, 2007

Bandaids are for Freckles

You know those kids that have seventeen bandaids up and down their arms because they love them too much? Well, that's my kid. Chase busily bandaids every freckle, or "dot" as he calls them. He even gives kisses if needed.

I've often wondered why we kiss owies. It doesn't seem to make sense, but sometimes it makes all of the sense. How can a kiss - something that disappears in just a moment - heal a wound. But, sometimes when we are broken down and bleeding all we really need is a reminder that its ok. And I say, a kiss is a promise it will feel better one day -- but even more, a promise that you are loved right now, even when it hurts and especially when the going is roughest.

Lucky for me, Chase's magical bandaids and kisses seem to heal my freckles and owies right away!


Lane said...

Likewise, I always loved that chocolate has healing powers in Harry Potter. Chocolate does make me feel better. But more importantly, it makes me feel better that someone has given me something to feel better--whether it's chocolate or chicken soup.

Anonymous said...

As a receient of Chase's tender care, I say that attention is the sure way to a very healthy life! Oh and I do love the inate power of chocolate too.

laurel said...

Avery is so into bandaids, too. For the littlest of owies! She even puts them all over us if she sees a little scratch. We've gone through several boxes in the last few weeks. And she insists on wearing them on her forehead when we go out, which is hilarious looking.

Cute Chase!

Ammon said...

Carly went through this phase... seems like all kids do. I thought it was so cute though, I just kept buying more Barbie and Princess band-aids. Sending you lots of love and kisses for your "owies!"

Anonymous said...

I need bandaids for my owies too chase, they just make me feel better, kisses also feel better, but mom used to put rubbing alcohol on it and that makes NOTHING better, NOTHING!!

P.S. let me know if it does anything to freckles...