I have been looking forward to the Beckham's arrival for quite some time (yes, I am that shallow). Are you kidding me - David and Posh?! Is it fair for so much beauty to be in one family? I am really excited - not only that there is something on Monday nights for the first time in forever - but soccer, too! Posh's favorite word - "major" - is my new favorite. The socialite with the crazy lips and dolphin call - are you kidding me - she was major and those shoes - major. Welcome to America, Beckhams! And I know what you mean, it is "exhausting being so fabulous!"
Ohhhhh, I'm so excited to know that someone else was eagerly anticipating this show! Posh + Becks = Major for sure.
I love Posh & Becks too! I saw her on Leno as well, and she was hilarious there and even made fun of herself for always looking like a "miserable b----" because she frowns all the time in pictures, but in real life she is so smiley.
My favorite line of the show was, "Lionel Ritchie laid these floors - whilst dancing on the ceiling."
I'm so happy for something mindless and funny to watch on Monday night!
I've missed everything, though I did hear they were going to make this a mini-series (would have been "major") but turned it into a one-hour special instead.
I love Posh simply because she's a former Spice Girl and I'm a guilty lover of Brit pop!
ali, i don't want you to be right - but you are! it was a one time thing (except for all the re-runs)...and i was hoping my mondays would feel fulfilled...sigh.
non·sen·si·cal /nŏn-sĕn'sĭ-kəl/ - adjective - Lacking intelligible meaning: a nonsensical jumble of words
ne·far·i·ous /nɪˈfɛəriəs/ - adjective - extremely wicked or villainous; iniquitous
ec·cen·tric·i·ty /ĕk'sĕn-trĭs'ĭ-tē - noun - Deviation from the normal, expected, or established.
pe·dan·tic /pə-dăn'tĭk/ - adjective - Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: a pedantic attention to details; bookish
cur·mudg·eon /kr-mjn/ - noun - An ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions
gre·gar·i·ous /grɪˈgɛəriəs/ - adjective - fond of the company of others; sociable.
Ohhhhh, I'm so excited to know that someone else was eagerly anticipating this show! Posh + Becks = Major for sure.
K. so I totally watched this show last night! They are gorgeous!
I watched too! I came across it *whilst* channel surfing and I got sucked in! I adore my husband, but David is so... hunky! Hmmm, hmmm, good!
I am a MAJOR nerd! I didn't even know about the show. I'll have to tune in next week and spice up my Monday might;).
oops- make that Monday night!
Okay so I thought that Posh was incredibly entertaining and quite funny! I was expecting someone more subdued, snobby, and boring; but she was a riot!
I love Posh & Becks too! I saw her on Leno as well, and she was hilarious there and even made fun of herself for always looking like a "miserable b----" because she frowns all the time in pictures, but in real life she is so smiley.
My favorite line of the show was, "Lionel Ritchie laid these floors - whilst dancing on the ceiling."
I'm so happy for something mindless and funny to watch on Monday night!
I've missed everything, though I did hear they were going to make this a mini-series (would have been "major") but turned it into a one-hour special instead.
I love Posh simply because she's a former Spice Girl and I'm a guilty lover of Brit pop!
p.s. I think YOU are fabulous!
I'm so so sad I missed their show. Perhaps I can catch it off my friends Tivo.
I love love love Posh and Becks. Yes, I'm that shallow too.
Um, Angie, did you forget to mention that you were in fact once a spice girl for Halloween?
Your love of spice goes way back! My sister Ali described Posh as a "femme bot" which I think pretty much sums up her rockin' bod. Is she for real?
i just heard that they are re-airing the show tonight...i'll have to tune in, since i'm now SO curious!
ali, i don't want you to be right - but you are! it was a one time thing (except for all the re-runs)...and i was hoping my mondays would feel fulfilled...sigh.
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