October 1, 2007

Speaking of Friends...

I met Lane a week after we had moved in as college roommates. It took a week because she was so busy editing and living...but a night of mischief sealed the deal. I consider her a dear friend; one I would gladly help get through many a night of scary noises. A friend whose writing excites me. A friend who froze and wore sweatshirts for a year, getting used to the Bay Area weather. A friend who left Columbia classes and mentees to watch James when I was having early labor pains. A friend who loves pastries, my family, and me. A friend who is going to guest blog - because I feel spent.


ali said...

We'll miss you Angie, but what a fun opportunity for Lane!

jamieanne said...

Oh geez Angie, you are brave letting Lane take the reins! Hold on!!!

Ammon said...

I'm gonna miss you!