February 19, 2008

Tools, Caution and a Three Year Old

When we went to Home Depot we found yellow caution tape - perfect streamers for a construction party! We also found a tool apron - the kids decorated it with paint and then had to fill it up with tools at the end.
A Hammer=A Snickers Bar
Nails=Hershey Kisses
Wrenches=Noise Makers

And all this was for a very wonderful three-year old! Happy Birthday, Chase!


Lisa said...

Absolutely darling! Both the party and the birthday boy! Happy Birthday, Chase!

Katianne said...

My boys LOVE their tool belts! Thanks for inviting us, the boys had a blast!

Ammon said...

What a fabulous idea! I don't think I've ever seen a cuter, happier three year old before!

Sarah Jean said...

THREE YEARS OLD. Wow, he is growing up. Sounds like a wonderful party. What a great mom Chase has.

Kimmy Sunshine said...

Sounds like he had a truly joyous birthday and boy is he sure adorable. Thanks for sharing and Happy Belated Birthday Chase.

Ann said...

what a cute party idea! you're so creative! i cannot believe he's 3-who is letting all of these babies grow up?!?! love his darling face!

Leslie said...

totally cute! happy bday chase!

hannah m said...

LOVE the yellow cupcakes with trucks AND sprinkles! But mostly, I LOVE that happy smile! Happy Birthday, Chase!

laurel said...

THREE!!! Wow! Happy Birthday, Chase! I wish I could have been there - what a fun party. Miss you.

Kyndra said...

I remember the night you announced you were pregnant with little Chase! What a cutie he is. And I love the party idea - how creative!

Kelley said...

You are so stinkin' creative, Angie. I didn't realize my Grant and your Chase were so close in age. Happy birthday!

maegan said...

We loved the birthday party! Elyette wore her tool belt for days after the party and still likes to store toys in it. THANKS!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Angie, this is Michelle Covert. You are so creative! I love looking at all the fun things you are doing on your blog and stealing ideas for my kids! What a great party it must have been! Hope all is well!

Natalee Maynes said...

As I've said before, you are the most fabulous mother I know. Will you raise my kids, too??