May 20, 2008

Sharks - A Way of Life

Sharks are less a facsination and more a way of life for my boys. James sleeps with a tiger shark, while Chase sleeps with a hammerhead. They know the scary story of Uncle Pat being bumped by a hammerhead in the dark of the night, fixing a broken propellar under the boat. They know the scarier story of Uncle Pat being circled and charged by a shark on the prey. But these only seem to heighten the shark excitement.

James knows the various kinds: cookie cutter sharks to blue sharks. So, when James' class went on a field trip to the Marine Science Institute and he got to touch a leopard shark...well, there could be nothing better. The proof (to my horror, and personal fear):


barterboutique said...

No thank you.

hannah m said...

I love the look on James's face. But I'm with you - "horror and personal fear"!

Lane said...

Remember the summer I was a boy scout camp counselor? One of the kids caught a sand shark or some little shark fishing in the bay. I was horrified. It made his entire week.

In the words of Tracy Morgan: Live every week like it's Shark Week!

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

The way James' hands are in this photo is totally you. He must have your mannerisms. Cute.

Missi Waldron said...

Sharks are pretty cool...when they're behind a huge glass barricade! What an incredible experience for your shark-lover to touch one!