June 14, 2008


The Nativity Carnival is an institution. It comes once a year, and has for the last twenty-eight years (or, so says the recycled poster I have grown so fond of). Anyhow, I am afraid that the older my eyes get, the more they look at the squeaky iron rides with worry instead of excitement. And when I bought my boys cotton candy, all I could think of was Templeton running free at the fair in Charlotte's Web. I had to keep telling myself to be fun, "Be fun, Angie, not a kill-joy...well, try...smile...laugh" But, alas, the "fun" house, was nothing like the "I got chills, they're multiplyin' " experience Sandy and Danny knew in the Greese end-of-school carnival extravaganza. Even black leather pants and the jumpingest hand-jive with the carnies-themselves, wouldn't have distracted me from the need that never ceased...Purell. And thank goodness for the bath I took in it when we left the carnival. Oh, and for the record, we passed on the ferris wheel...but only because I'm not thirteen and making out with my twelve year-old boyfriend.


barterboutique said...

Sad...and gross. I bet you're boys loved it nonetheless.

kristen said...

I must agree. Abbie and I went to the Springville Fair last week. We were there for a total of about 12 minutes before we remembered why fairs are not a favorite.

You are hilarious.

Unknown said...

I love fairs and will never stop going. I tend to avoid the rides but they are great. I bet the boys will have as good of memories as you did.

Anne said...

I hear ya! My memories are so great but things seem so different with my adult eyes. None the less there is still joys in it for the little ones.

Kyndra said...

The older I get, the sicker carnival rides make me. My stomach cannot handle them! Lexi on the other hand has no fear.

Michelle said...

ah, to be thirteen making out with your twelve year old boyfriend....

hannah m said...

Oh, memories of the Nativity Fair... I'm sure J+C had so much fun, and that you were nothing but a fun mom- germs, rusting rides and all!

Rebecca said...

It was nice hearing from you. It will be fun checking out your blog. You are such a fun mom to two very adorable little boys:)

Missi Waldron said...

I remember going to a local fair every year growing up. My friend worked one of the scone carts and told me that the ride operaters slept under the rides at night... I have never been the same. Glad you made it through!