May 7, 2009

I'm Wishing...

I had a crazy dream last night. Andy Samberg (of snl fame) and I were eating pastries at Cassis in Manhattan. Satire was rolling off our tongues in the form of conversation. We were bandying about talk of Progressivism and Ahmadinejad, it was all very pithy and witty.

But after awhile, I started to focus less on conversation and more on setting. There, next to the table, was a wishing well. A small wishing well...I half expected a miniature Snow White to come whistling by with her wishes, but she didn't come. And I just kept looking at its blueness. Did I mention it was a blue wishing well, well it was and I kept wondering what was inside.

I woke up and still wondered. And this is what I've come up with...wishing wells are full of wishes and I am wishless. Lately, I live fully rooted in the present. Wishes are for dreamers and quite honestly thinking of the future isn't something I've wanted to do. I would much rather just focus on the here and now, and try to make the most of it...because what's next? Who knows? Least of all me. But after thinking about this wishing well of my dream, I've decided that I don't want it to be empty. I want a dream. I'm not sure what it will be, but I'm working on it, and that's something.

As for Andy...I have no idea...other than have you seen him as a white Rastafarian? or when he danced in "Single Ladies" with Justin Timberlake? Or even Blizzard Man? Too funny!


Michelle said...

Angie! Your post totally hit home with me. I was listening to a song by Tracy Chapman the other day (love her!) that had a line saying "Why dont I dream anymore?" It got me pondering...
Love you!!

lynette said...

my dreams are always in black and white. weird huh.

but, if you are looking for a totally fun dream--how about visiting your sad and groove-less friend in singapore!

hannah m said...

You've said it far more eloquently than I could, but I can totally relate to being wishless...and then realizing the joy that comes from being wishful and hopeful, and resolving to be that again. Enjoy your dreaming, sweet friend - I have no doubt you'll cultivate some beautiful ones.

Kacey said...

Aaahhhh... I have missed your posts/insights. I am glad you are back. If you go to Singapore, hop up to Hong Kong too :-) Love you!

Lane said...

I ALSO thought Sandberg was the funniest in the Beyonce sketch. Better than JT!

You always have to have something to look forward to. This is what is great about being young--and we're not that old yet :)

brooke said...

Andy Samberg in your dream? That is hilarious! I love it.
In your defense, you are amazing at making the most of the here and now. You bring life to the everyday moments. I love that you have resolved to be more wishful. Dream Big are amazing. BTW, keep the insights coming. I enjoy your posts.

Kyndra said...

At some point I realized all my wishes and dreams were for my kids and husband, but nothing personal that was just for me. I'm still working on that one. Let us know when you decide on yours!

Missi Waldron said...

I love this post... you are so amazingly eloquent and full of thought. And yes, I LOVED Sandberg in the "Single Ladies" sketch... still recorded on my DVR.

Nikki CB said...

Any dream/wish you have will be a beautiful one! Miss you!