February 27, 2007

In Our Frigidaire

There's a Polar Bear
In our Frigidaire--
He likes it 'cause it's cold in there.
With his seat in the meat
And his face in the fish
And his big hairy paws
In the buttery dish,
He's nibbling the noodles,
He's munching the rice,
He's slurping the soda,
He's licking the ice.
And he lets out a roar
If you open the door.
And it gives me a scare
To know he's in there--
That Polary Bear
In our Fridgitydaire.
-Shel Silverstein

Chase is indeed our polary bear, always in the frigidaire. And his less-than hairy paws are all over the butter. He also tends to change the temperature to "coldest," systematically freezing strawberries, cheese, and water. I can attest "it gives me a scare/To know he's in there!"


Leslie said...

that's so cute, and makes me wonder, why, among the gobs of children's books we have, we don't have any Shel Silverstein compilations. They were always our favorites to giggle at. :)

Anonymous said...

Andrew just mentioned the other day about how he had to "fix" the fridge by turning all the knobs in the back - fortunately (or unfortunately), there was nothing to freeze - FreshDirect comes tonight.

Anonymous said...

What is it about the fridge? James hiding his cards in it, chase playing in it, and I find myself going in and out all day long just to check and see if anything new has miraculously appeared.

Anonymous said...

I love to zoom in on that innocent face! He also brings me the full carton of milk to top off his sippy cup. cute cute cute!

Meg said...

Oh the endless adventures you have! I LOVE TO HEAR THEM ALL!

Ike and Luke said...

I love your blog. Somehow it helps bridge the gap of living so far away and rarely seeing each other. Whenever we would leave the playground after meeting you and James I would be modivated and inspired with new ideas to try with my boys. It is the same now after reading your entries. Thank you- you are definitely something special.

Anonymous said...

ok this almost brings tears to my eyes. i love this little boy so much and all his mischieviousness. I remember so many mornings walking in and wondering if i should stop or just observe what was happening.