March 19, 2007

China Cove

This weekend we went to Point Lobos (just South of Carmel) - and I was able to introduce my boys to China Cove. It is a place that held mystery and intrigue for me throughout my childhood. It wasn't the same as my memories - but new memories are good too. Possibly better because I am realizing that I have the worst memory of all time. College roommates will ask if I remember such and such and I rarely do. Sigh. And my childhood - that's really far gone. What are good ways to stretch or strengthen your memory? If I once knew a way, I have since forgotten.


Anonymous said...

That picture is gorgeous.

I have given up remembering anything, except birthdays, I try and remember those - but that is more like a game for me. When I know it is something important, I tell Mia. I consider her my backup hard-drive.

Ammon said...

This place looks mysterious and intriguing to me.
I'm like you...can't remember a darn thing. But what I do know, is that I wish I had kept a better journal when I was younger. And what better way to journal, than to post to your blog!
P.S. Forgetting isn't always a bad thing...especially some of those awkward teenage moments.

Erin said...

Angie you always do the funnest things with your boys! It seems like every day you have a new adventure to blog about. I think I had better get myself on the ball!