March 14, 2007

Dandelions & Starfish

We went to Fitzgerald Marine Reserve and Chase had as much fun blowing the dandelions** in the parking lot as he did down by the ocean. Of course, he wisely didn't touch the hermit crabs, in fact he saw one in the water and said, "Bug, ouch!" Amen! I'll touch a sea anemone - but I leave the bigger things to the "intrepid discoverers" (James coined last visit).

Speaking of discoverers, James had Mimi and Josh on his expedition - and they were much more successful. They reported finding starfish of varying shapes and colors. And Emily mentioned one star fish actually changed colors once they lifted it out of the water (I thought chameleons and other strange bugs had that trait not starfish - but I really wouldn't know and I'll have to trust her).

** We actually started calling dandelions "golden soldiers" because Mary Poppins tells a story about a cow who caught a star on his horn and started dancing. The dancing prevented him from eating "golden soldiers" his favorite food.


Ammon said...

Sounds like fun! Next time I want to come!

jamieanne said...

Golden Soldiers? I lalalalove it!

Ashley A. said...

I was just considering a recipe that calls for dandelion greens. All this culinary talk about an edible weed. Dandelion Wine anyone?

For now said...

James is a maniac out there! No kidding!! He is not afraid of a thing- steps in every puddle, wants to touch and inspect everything! I am just crazy about that kid!