April 18, 2007

Damn Dog

Tanyon has peed in my room the last two mornings - I know that it will be argued he was marking Chase's toys...and it is my Chase who he is obviously jealous of - its a constant dominance battle....but I don't care. I don't care that he is a King Charles Cocker Spaniel - that some think he is cute. All I know is that today and yesterday I am at war. That's right - Tanyon if you could read this you'd know "we're in a fight." He humps my poor Chase every morning. We've tried a few things, but I am sure nothing is working. Damn Dog.


Anonymous said...

Those that visit the Robinson household are NOT allowed to bring guns or dog harming tools.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE flood us with advice

Meg said...

lol- you are so funny! But it sounds like a little problem to me- I don't have any advise to solve your the problem. But good luck!

Ann said...

Ang, I'm so sorry! I'm not really a dog fan, so I don't have any good advice...but I wanted to thank you for reminding me of the 'we're in a fight' phrase. Totally made me laugh! Good luck and love you!

jamieanne said...

This is such a great post. It gave me a chuckle. I had a dog whisperer over for dinner the other night. He was very helpful in telling me how to get Miss Famous to behave a bit better (though she is in UT). He says you have to show the dog who is the dominant alpha dog (you) and that he will feel more comfortable if he feels like part of a pack where there is a defined leader (since dogs are naturally pack animals). For more info, apparently there is a show on the Discovery Channel about a dog whisperer that is very helpful.

Shanna said...

I hate dogs. This is why. My sympathies go out to you.

Annie said...

I'm dying at this post. That is how I feel about potty training Kate! I don't think it'd be a good idea if I yelled, "Damn Kate" everytime she had an accident. What do you think? :)

As for the dog....good luck!

angie said...

thanks, Jamie, we tried listening to Cesar Milan - because we are quite fond of the dog whisperer - but he seems to deal more with aggressive dogs - and for what its worth, Tanyon is really sweet - he would never hurt Chase - its just annoying - and, Annie, I don't think it will help - but it was cathartic :) sigh. the truth is i'm not angry enough to punish Tanyon too much longer - i just hope his bladder is empty when he's near my room!

Megan said...

This post made me laugh and that's something I needed today. Thanks! :)

Ammon said...

Damn dog is right! Ammon's parents have a dog and everytime I'm over there I'm reminded why we don't have a dog...the humping, the peeing...shoo, dog, shoo!

catherine said...

Seems like there are an awful lot of dog "loathers" on this blog. I believe the world is definitely divided into two categories - pet lovers and pet loathers - I'll just refer everyone to Spencer Kimballs advice on treatment of animals in "Don't Shoot the Little Birdies" talk - Yes this is a desperate attempt by a dog lover to evoke guilt!

angie said...

i am not a dog loather - i am very grateful that dogs make so many people happy. the truth is that i am uncomforatable around many dogs - and i don't know what to do - feeling like i don't speak dog and therefore can't get him to stop humping my two year old is just frustrating - i'm learning, though.

Mindy and Tyler said...

I'm definitely in the dog lover category, but I don't think I could handle a dog humping or marking my kids. From what I know you need to establish Chase above the dog in the family pack. He should always sit in a better seat, eat first, and enter rooms first (just to name a few things).

Anonymous said...

WOW ang!! this is funny. i have some advice get ben to handle it. im just kidding.. good luck with that one