April 12, 2007

I couldn't have said it better

Unfortunately, I don't have a lot to say today. My head is swimming with my own confusion and questions. So instead of posting chaos, I'll just direct you somewhere else. These are some blogs I read more than once from the last three months (just click on the one that interests you). Oh, and if you liked one as much as me, let me know - its nice to know our common ground.

My Mom - She talks about her nose and somehow makes it tender at the same time
Jessie's - Great shirt and even better question
Laurel's - Confessions of a Dysfunctional Shopper - the title says it all
Ann's -
I love to hear people's guesses on the two characters who will die in Harry Potter
Leslie's -
Art - I love this painting and love that you took such a little guy for such a rich day
Lynette's -
I loved Hey Bert, but have already mentioned it - but Just Breathe is also great!
Jamie's -
The mini Magnolia - what a cute idea!
Annie's -
the picture of an Easter egg hunt on a tennis court made me laugh out loud!
Moon's -
This is the hot debate of whether a new mom should get a gift from her husband after she gives birth
Design Mom -
I don't know her, but I love this idea and want to try to make them...


Ammon said...

I love your post today, what a great idea! I read all of the linked posts and I liked them all actually but I think the one that hit closest to home for me was "A Fine Character" by your mother. I got misty eyed while reading it. So touching!

Anonymous said...

I like the one about "you will breathe in a minute..."


Leslie said...

oh shoes, yay!
love it. ;)
and thanks for the link to moi!

Meg said...

Hey Ang- I usually make one loaf with chocolate chips and then the other loaf plan- The secret is not to put to many chocolote chips in because they really melt good in the dough.... I would do both :-) You will have to let me know how it turns out... IT IS SO YUMMY. Infact I may have to go have another slice right now...

Anonymous said...

Angie... I know design mom!! She is in my ward. Glad you found her website, isn't it fun.