April 27, 2007

See's Suckers

I remember biking to Stanford to get See's Candy when I was just old enough to start going places alone...it still holds a special place in my heart and my tummy. The Butterscotch is my still my favorite. And two is better than one if you ask Chase.

Alright, enough posts for one day! I'm just trying to fill the reservoir...my family starts arriving Monday!


laurel said...

Cute Chase!

I hope you have a great time with all your family coming in town this week!

For now said...

Chocolate all the way!!!!!!!!!!

Same memory! Except I hate it when it gets a buble in it- then you can't suck as hard! I can't tell you how much I love those suckers!

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter.....delicious!
I love it when you put pictures up!

Anonymous said...

I see what you see in Sees. I sees it too.

Anonymous said...

I too favor the chocolate. I just can't wait to see you all!

Anonymous said...

I hold the same delicious See's memory close to my heart. Remember how the See's ladies wore name tags that said something like "Smiles, Service, Samples" ? And we always looked forward to the free chocolate sample (but there was that one time they didn't pass one across the counter to us...so we asked for it, pointing out that their name tags did, in fact, say 'samples'!).

Ammon said...

See's candy--yummo-! Wes just recently discovered Dumdums. I gave him one the other day to get him to stay still in the car and after a few minutes he couldn't find it. It was stuck in his hair and it was so...cute! I was going to take a picture and post it to my blog, but when I picked up Carly from playgroup she found it and decided to finish it off for him! Oh, man! Have fun with your fam!

Erin said...

2 is ALWAYS better than 1!

Ammon said...

Hey there little lady! I bet you're curious why I'm commenting way back here, but, I was wondering what software you used for this picture border? I've seen another one you did that looked like it had been taped... but I couldn't find that one. Please introduce me to this wonderful program! Thanks!