June 5, 2007

Double Dare

Today Chase cheerfully put the silverware away - as you can clearly see he did it a very different way. The first time he did this, I quickly "fixed" it, returning spoons to their proper places. The second time, I shut the drawer, thinking I would fix it later, but I promptly forgot about it. When the drawer was opened - people had very interesting comments - I now know that the silverware home is sacred to many - its hard to see it in such disarray. But it was funny to me! And truth be told, it was all back to normal after about a day - we use silverware a lot.
So, here's where the dare comes in - I dare you, no, I double dare you to try putting your silverware away after the manner of the Chase...did you get funny looks - what did other's say - and could you even stand it?! Its a funny thing to realize that I can stuff pajamas in a drawer - but not silverware!


Cori said...

I can't stand it!!! Even seeing the pix makes me crazy. Maybe its because from when we were little we have been taught each has a unique purpose spoons can't stab, knifes can't spoon. So to have them all in a mess brings chaos to eating which is so close to all our hearts.

Annie said...

Occasionally, BJ will do this and it drives me batty (which is probably why he does it). The silverare drawer is definitely a sacred space. Isn't it funny the things that ruffle our feathers?

jamieanne said...

Not sure I can take your double dare challenge. Looks like the green slime machine for me!

Anonymous said...

This is so cute! Our house looks like we let Chase put away everything! That's so cute. I can see it now. I miss you so much!

Ann said...

I'm going to try this dare right now before Tyler sees this post! I'm the one who would usually be bugged by this, but I'm trying to let go of control a little. Tyler probably won't even care:) but it will be fun to try and see. maybe I should do this next time I'm home....

Anonymous said...

I still laugh at the day that I opened the drawer and found the disarray. I know the Chase motivation to finish a task...he is phenomenal!

Anonymous said...

ill admit im rather ocd when it comes to silverware it has to be right!

For now said...

Looks like art to me-

but there is no way I could stand it! Funny, huh??

For now said...

I love Jami's comment!