June 4, 2007

Mrs. Andolina

My biggest nightmare and fear has been: the where, the when, and the who of kindergarten. I have thought and thought and even over-thought it. But I am happy to say that there is a where, a when, and a who! About two weeks ago, I went to talk to the Principal of the elementary school - she is a family friend - but I didn't know if it was the polite kiss on the cheek friend, warm hug, or friendly hand shake kind of friend. When I got there, she runs out to see me with a huge hug and smile. She tells me that all of the other parents have gotten their paperwork in, but that she has been thinking about James (what a wonderful surprise) and has already decided on the perfect teacher. This was a gift for someone as nervous as I - she really helped me get going.

She then says, would you like to meet Mrs. Andolina? With such happiness (and about three months earlier than all of the other parents) I got to meet James' kindergarten teacher. She is such a cute lady! Mrs. Andolina - its the kind of name that is just tricky enough - that once its learned, James will remember it forever. She calls all of her students, "the scholars." She has been teaching for over ten years - and you can see she is really in full stride. The class size is 20 - but get this - half of the class comes early and half stays late, so a lot of the day its only 10. 10 kids in a classroom - what a wonderful treat! Its half day - which I like - and when I took James he played on the kindergarten playground and held both of Mrs. Andolina's baby chicks that had just hatched in their incubator. She picked up that James is a reader right away - which made me feel so relieved! I was able to just relax and be a friendly mom - and not an annoying "my child is a reader" and "in your face" kind of mom. Anyhow, it just seems to be a match!

I am feeling so good - can I really have an almost kindergartener? Yep!


Ann said...

I cannot believe James is old enough for kindergarten!! So wonderful that you have a teacher for him that you love-what a relief. She sounds great. Can't wait to hear all about his new adventures in school!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Andolina sounds great already! James has been ready for school for years.....what an amazing guy he is! You are right, it is the beginning of another chapter.

Leslie said...

i feel your worry, girl. i feel ya. i hate being that pushy "my kid reads chapter books" kind of mom. but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

How exciting! We have loved kindergarten more than I thought possible. Now I am feeling anxious about first grade. Can it match the standard that was set by kindergarten?!?
Has James read the Junie B. Jones series? Those are Isaac's favorite books to read.

For now said...

He is such a big kid!! I can hardly believe!! He will have such a blast. Last time I was in Mrs. Nancy's office she showed me a picture of you in Kindergarten at Laurel-- now your little man is off to school there! How exciting!

Quote from Elisabeth "James we love you, you are a cutie"

Anonymous said...

I wish James happy kindergarten moments with a beloved teacher. Kindergarten is such a special time, and it seems that Mrs. Andolina understands the magic and joy of being both a kindergarten student and a kindergarten teacher. What a lucky teacher to have James in her class!

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Andolina...love her name!
She probably won't even mind if one of the scholars need to bring a "Cricket in His Pocket" on the first day of school. (I love the "cricket" book. Always a poignant tug for me.)