June 20, 2007

Salad Days

Chase doesn't like tomatoes, turkey, spaghetti, tortillas, ketchup, chicken mcnuggets, fish, hamburger, cooked vegetables, and he can't eat normal cheese, milk, yogurt, ranch dressing and anything else with lactose in it (which feels like everything). And if he loves kiwi today - he will loathe it tomorrow. So, we just keep trying and trying. Last night the winning combination was - salad - that's right. Greens up to his eyeballs. I let him heap his plate high. And here he is - as happy as can be.

By the by, the phrase salad days isn't used very often but it describes the period of youth and inexperience coined by William Shakespeare in his play Antony and Cleopatra...Cleopatra quoth, "My salad days, When I was green in judgment." My goal is to now work this phrase into my vocabulary this week (it always seems easier to use strange jargon while I'm writing).


Anonymous said...

Check out alex's guest appearance in the background, way to sneak into the blog

For now said...

I love the salad overflowing off the plate!! I actually know many a children who claim "salad" as their favorite food-

Erin said...

Holy cow, look at him go! At least its healthy right? Really cute.

Lane said...

Darling pic of Chase!

"Salad Days" is a great phrase. Cohen Bros. fans see "Raising Arizona."