July 11, 2007

Midnight - part I

I did it! Me, Myself, and I headed over to the movies theater at a little past midnight. I joined the throngs of fifteen year olds and their parental chauffeurs. I went back and forth - should I go, shouldn't I? The reasons I shouldn't: I had to work this morning and the movie got out at 3am, I wasn't really waiting on pins and needles for the film (in fact, I didn't see the last Harry Potter until it came out on video), and ultimately it seemed a pretty ridiculous thing to do. The reason I should: it seemed a pretty ridiculous thing to do!

You know when you are in a crowd - a big and excited crowd - you just feel that energy. People were clapping through all of the previews (well, booing and laughing for BRATZ), cheering through kissing scenes, and just generally having a great time.

The movie was alright - it just can't compare to the book - too much to squeeze in. But, I felt young and alive. You know, frivolous and silly. I've decided that life is more fun when you have something to get excited about - and if it means Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix at midnight - so be it.

Oh, and I should mention, in the end, I was even able to pass by the big car line up and drive myself home!


Anonymous said...

WOW i cant believe you had time to do that last night and post a blog about it! dang girl you are wild

jamieanne said...

So true. Dumb fun is what makes life worth living. Or at least putting up with.

Anonymous said...

Wow! what a wild and crazy think for you! Glad that you finally elected to go...dare you tell me what tipped the balance in your decision making dilemma? Wish I dared to join you.

laurel said...

Fun! I always think I'd like to see the midnight openings but then chicken out.

I just finished the book yesterday, and was thinking there's no way the movie could ever quite do it justice. It's just too long and detailed. Still excited to see it!

Ammon said...

I would have gone with you! I'm always up for midnight movies ... and popcorn!

For now said...

i just barely saw the movie!! My Harry is growing up!