August 30, 2007

Fraiche and Friends

A few weeks ago some friends from New York came to Palo Alto. Amy, Mary, and I went to Fraiche for the first time. And since then, I have been back and back and back for the yummiest yogurt. Amy having been to Pinkberry and Fraiche said they are really similar - so hooray, I feel like I can finally taste what I keep hearing about - and it is yummy. I went three times this week and I keep dragging friends along. Thank you Hannah for sharing in the first place! It was the perfect place to take old friends and I am making new friends too. As I was waiting to pick up James from school I found another friend - just by saying Fraiche. So hooray for the yogurt that has the power to make and keep friends, just by being so yummy!

Does calcium really help burn fat? Sounds good to me!


laurel said...

So fun! Great to see you, Mary and Amy together! Wish I could come visit too.

I have to admit...I don't really like pinkberry :(

Ammon said...

Love yogurt.
Hate that I can't enjoy some with you.
(maybe someday in Chile) :)

jamieanne said...

Oh geez. I may have to come out there just to make sure that it really is similar to Pinkberry. For educational purposes, of course.

Anonymous said...

Try Harmony yogurt in San Carlos, too. Not as convenient, but dare I say I liked it a smidgen better than Fraiche...? Let me know what you think!

Kyndra said...

I wish I could have hung out with the 3 of you! What fun! I was just introduced to Pinkberry recently and I'm a fan. But I'm a bigger Angie fan, so I'd rather be hanging out with you than at Pinkberry.