August 21, 2007

Shuka Splash Me

When I was in Utah, my parents took my boys to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (Marine World in my youth). James loved the roller coasters and even created Nine Flags Discovery Kingdom on paper. Chase cannot stop talking about the whale that splashed him, "Shuka splash me" he says over and over! Here they are sucking the salt water off their hands - ewwey! You can tell they are riveted!


Ammon said...

Look at the beads of water/sweat on Chase's little face! I want to give those boys a big squeeze!

For now said...

They look soooooooooo hot! and so grown up! Pat told me that to get those whales to do those tricks they are sexually arousing them- interesting eh'

catherine said...

Chase has yet to forgive Shouka for splashing him.