August 3, 2007

Usefull Spells (sic)

I was cleaning up James desk and found this list of "Usefull Spells" - its nice to have a list like this on hand (although it appears he has been inventing spells as well as borrowing them). He also told me he was making a list of "fierce names for sports teams" yesterday morning, if I find it, I'll include it.


Ann said...

that is too cute! and very helpful in case you're in a situation and can't remember the right spell! I love it!!!

catherine said...

Jelly-o? what was that? He is just too wonderful for words.

Leslie said...

i am afraid of the jelly legs curse. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know we are back from Canada. While there the word nefarious jumped into my head, I couldn't remember the meaning, but I liked the sound of it and it reminded me of you, so that made me happy.

Ammon said...

This is too funny! I want to hear the fierce sports team names...