August 2, 2007

Charming James

Opal is charming - look at that cute pig grin - really, I am in love with Holly Hobbie's watercolors and characters. She is really the happiest author - and now we have something in common with Charming Opal...James has a loose tooth too! This is great excitement. And now all I need to figure out how best to get in touch with the tooth fairy. Does anyone have ideas of the going rate? I remember she used to bring a quarter (or various loose change from her pocket) - but I heard of a child who found ten dollar bills under his pillow - did he have extraordinary teeth - or is this the newest standard? I really need to get in touch with her - it could be any day.


Leslie said...

we're just waiting for audrey's to start getting loose. all of her friends have lost at least 2 teeth, but her pretty baby ones are holding on tight.
i'm not going any higher than a dollar. i mean, ahem, "she's" not going any higher than a dollar. :)

For now said...


For now said...

but he is such a little boy-and a loose tooth is such a big kid thing!

Anonymous said...

It's $1 at our house. $1 coins are especially cool.

Katie said...

Growing up, the Tooth Fairy always gave us a silver dollar. But a $2 bill might be very cool - or maybe the tooth fairy can leave a certain amount of quarters to start a collection of all of the states. My step-kids have books that you place the quarters on the states and they are always digging around the change drawer at home looking for new states to put in their books. Having something unique took away from if my friend's tooth fairy paid more than mine.

Ammon said...

$1 is the usual for all of my nieces and nephews. I like the idea of a $2 dollar bill or a $1 coin. Also, I'm in love with tooth-fairy pillows! Check these out!

Anonymous said...

I am sure that the going rate has transitioned to a D level Transformer. It will make the pillow bumpy, but will be memorable!

Megan said...

For us 1 tooth = $1. So exciting for James!! My nephew (6 1/2) hasn't lost any teeth yet and keeps trying to wiggle his teeth to make them loose.

catherine said...

just to let you know, James told me that he had heard that the tooth fairy leaves a toy too. I tried to negate tha, but that is your job. He always wants to know if tooth fairies are REALLY real.

Lisa and Mike Marion said...

AMazing- Isaac got a loose tooth two days and I was wondering what the protocal is these days too. We always got either a silver dollar or a two dollar bill. I think the rarity of these monies makes the tooth fairy seem magical and real or something. Let us know when it comes out!

For now said...

has the incisor come out yet:)

Heather G. said...

Um, $10????? Not for the tooth fairy in my house. $1 seems perfectly ok to me. And, the $1 coin could be interesting. It could be the special tooth fairy coin.