September 5, 2007

They are Dropping Like Flies

Two teeth missing - James smile is officially a mail box slot. Seriously, you can get packages through the gap. But, here's the thing I am realizing...with the rate these pearly whites are dropping out I am afraid the tooth fairy is going to have to move right in under his pillow -- living in the same house wouldn't be close enough. I already told him that the tooth fairy didn't always come the first night - some nights she is really busy (or forgetful). I think my youngest sister had to wait a week for the tooth fairy to come (or remember). So, we'll she how she does. If she's anything like me, then she's going to miss a few.


Ann said...

that picture is adorable! mixture of accomplishment, showing off, and pride on his popping eyes! congrats!

For now said...

i compared this picture to his previous lost tooth picture- and excuse me but he seems to have gotten so much older!!!!! ahhhh