October 9, 2007

love, from Abbie

Name: Abbie Robinson
Known Angie for: 20 years

I remember getting the cutest letters from my older sister at college and feeling like she really cared about me. She always knows how to make you feel loved.

I remember her wise words in times of need.

I remember the constant support she has shown.

I remember Angie's long hair in high school just praying that I could grow mine as long and beautiful one day.

I remember following in her footsteps along so many paths of life.

I remember hiking in Hawaii when Angie had Chase on her back and thinking that one day I want to be a mom like her.

I remember always needing her approval because she is the end-all be-all to a little sister.

I remember getting in bickering fights about who was right over trivial things, then always laughing at the end.

I remember that Angie is the best liar in the world when you play mafia, it almost makes me a little nervous.

She contributed the needed enthusiasm whenever we would play family games, she always came up with the cleverest answers.

I remember visiting her at her different apartments and being wowed that she could make such a small place so beautiful.

I remember Angie making mixed tapes with such timeless music! Man, Garth Brooks was cool!


catherine said...

I agree Angie and her mafia skills are a little alarming.

catherine said...

I remember being sooo proud of Angie's long hair. That's very weird but true, since I never could mine past my shoulders, it was great to look at hers.

Lane said...

This is true about Angie and mafia. I forgot about that! She is a great liar and actually quite insistent. In fact, if you want to see Angie at her best being bad, play Mafia with her.

So true about games. She always makes them fun (even if it means being evil).

Thanks Miss Abbie (who also has beautiful hair now, btw)

angie said...

my saucy snap - i love you!