October 4, 2007

love, from Dad

Name: Father of Angela
Have known Angela: since pre-birth (afterall the first born is all-consuming from the first showing)

I remember: I could write a book about it all!

You let me practice my parenting skills on you and helped grind off the rough to the joy of your siblings.

I remember your wonderful, Olympic inspired performances in the yard with you ALWAYS winning the gold medal.

I remember your tenacity in NOT drinking the milk until way after bedtime. The next morning you finally, reluctantly, gave in.

I remember coaching you in soccer, we had a chance to win, so I put you in (my BEST player by far) contrary to the plan and sacrificing another girl's turn. You yelled at me on the sidelines that that was wrong...I immediately saw the light, let the other have her turn and lost the game but gained new admiration of a 7-year old daughter.

I remember you studying so hard in the winter in the garage...after all it was the only quiet place in the house. Your coat, scarf, gloves, and hat didn't seem to get in the way.

I loved that you cried on the first day of school--kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 13th.

I love that you are an awesome mom that continues to learn and teach with humility and patience.

Do you have an "I remember" about Angie? Send a message, photo, image, etc. to Laneanderson@gmail.com


Ann said...

that picture is so ADORABLE!! it's been so fun to read everyone's favorite 'angie moments' in their life but i especially enjoyed yours, roy! it's so fun to see what she was like as a child and to know that there really is something special with angie that has been there since birth. and if you write that book-i'd buy it!

Lane said...

I agree with Ann, that photo is darling!

This post says so much about Angie and her Dad--who is one of the best fathers and husbands I've observed.

angie said...

i love you, dad!