November 14, 2007

Barefoot at Bookclub

We read the play Barefoot in the Park for bookclub...and we discussed the Twilight Series to get it out of the system. But, let me just tell you that when I went to snap this photo (after noticing that most people were barefooted), the laments of chipped nail polish and unmanicured toes filled the room. Isn't it funny that we can feel silly about the silliest things. No one will even know whose toes are whose - but somehow we seem to care just enough...
At the end of the night I had a full stomach and a lighter heart. I just love chit-chatting and bookclubs.


Lisa and Mike Marion said...

I must admit when I got on your blog this morning and read the first post I thought I was on the wrong blog. The header has changed, the post of a fun book club, Abbie and Alex?, a florist? I thought New York was the only place great book clubs existed. Man, I feel like I am learning so much about you lately. Kicking butt in a half. You are amazing. What more surprises await me?

Annie said...

I think that book club was my favorite part about NYC. Funny that in such an amazing city my favorite thing was sitting in someone's tiny apartment. How was the book? WE need a new one. And can I just say that I am ready to stop talking about Twilight.

Ammon said...

I LOVE the new look of Cheerios-proof that you have to do that wedding!
Also, love the piggies and I'm glad you had fun!

Mindy and Tyler said...

That bookclub felt more like a party - so much fun!!! I'm glad you snapped this pic, with my nasty toenails and all.