December 4, 2007


I'll admit it, I'm a snoozer, as in someone who doesn't get right up at the sound of an alarm. As in, someone who doesn't pop right up with sunshine in her soul. As in, someone who really shouldn't be talked to until post-shower. It takes a little work to get me going. But, I haven't given up on me.

I think it makes it harder when the laws of nature are againt you...isn't Newton's Third Law of Motion something like: Objects at rest tend to stay at rest. Well, I submit, it's true with people. Once I'm going, I'm good. But, the getting going is so tough sometimes.

So, what gets me going...two little voices sweetly pleading for books or cereal. That's the main thing.

But sometimes I feel stuck. For example, someone asked a great question about motivation at Ask Angie. I couldn't even start to think of a response. So, I do what I often do when I am stuck, I ask a friend. In this case I asked my dear friend Hannah to help. She is a wonderful teacher and parent and woman. And she was able to answer the question a way I couldn't, with a perspective I totally needed. And although, I'm not an unmotivated six year old, it really got me thinking. I realized that IDEAS are what inpsire me. And just reading her ideas I was able to think of some myself. Anyhow, you'll really have to read her words because they are beautiful!

1 comment:

Ammon said...

Her words were beautiful and motivational... and so were yours!

Oh, and psssttt. I've got a secret. I'm a snoozer too!