April 23, 2008

HobNobs in My Bed

My sister stepped off the plane bearing gifts of goodness...HobNobs to be precise. And it didn't take Chase long to fall in love with these British cookies. So in love, that he ate them high and ate them low and eventually landed in bed to finish consuming them.

Considering that most three-year olds manage to get some food inside their actual mouth, it is not hard to remember the truth: most of it ends up crumbled. And in this case, crumbled into the bed. So, essentially, Chase created a Cookie Bed without even the slightest intention.

Now, I know it may be argued that crumbs in a bed are the most irritating friends to play hide-and-seek with (you see, they want to play when I want to sleep)...but, I will suggest that a HobNob crumb is of another variety. In fact, a HobNob crumb is the very kind you DO want to consort with.

I'll take cookies in my bed over sand (and I know there are those who could probably sleep in a bed made of sand). And I'll definitely take HobNobs however I can.


barterboutique said...

I must try said cookie. If it makes good bed company, it must be divine!

laurel said...

Yummy yummy. I must admit I am a McVities fan but I will gladly take either in my bed.

Sarah Jean said...

How happy I was to see you blog. I love to hear stories about you and your boys. Love you and miss you.

hannah m said...

I'll take English cookie crumbs in my bed any day! Better than mushy peas (which I do adore) or Cadbury's Roses spilled in said bed!

(Welcome back, Abbie!)

nicole said...

You're always so much fun to read!! I miss you guys very much! When can you visit or have us visit??

Lane said...

Hobnobs always remind me of you! I do not think I would like them in my bed, but I would like them warm with a bowl of ice cream...

Melissa said...

Of course you're talking of the chocolate covered kind, right? I think I saw them at Nak's. Have you tried Penguins? They're another British cookie that would also make a fabulous bed-mate.

familia Bybaran said...

Oh my! A hobnob! You are so lucky! How many of those did I go through in London? My goodness. You are a lucky girl. I need to find me some of those. There must be a store in this great city where I can find some, no?

Kelley said...

When we got back from London, I discovered this "international foods" store in Provo that sold HobNobs, and I quickly became a regular customer...yum!