September 15, 2008


This morning at Borrones, Chase made a declaration. "I love these artichoke waffles."
You see, Chase's favorite food as late is the artichoke. But, truth be told, it is the butter he is dipping them in. He tried crab a few weeks back and said, "I like this, it tastes like artichokes." But it isn't the artichoke, it is the butter. So when asked his favorite food, his answer elicits an ahh--what a great eater. But my ears hear the truth: My favorite food is butter.


lynette said...

haha! this reminds me of carly--i'mu always find her getting finger-fulls of butter. little sneak!

lynette said...

i'm terrible at typing with a little guy in my lap (see above.) how embarrassing!

hannah m said...

Chase is right - butter makes everything better!

Anonymous said...

I remember sneaking twofingered helpings of butter with sugar sprinkled on top.

Jen Mo said...

isn't everyone's favorite food butter? personally I have thirty pounds of butter in my freezer. seriously.

Kyndra said...

My grandmother proudly declares butter as her favorite food. She has even written poems about it. Maybe Chase and Mama Faye should meet.

Anne said...

My mother who is an extraordinary cook has been heard saying "food is just a way to get butter into my mouth" so Chase is in good company.