September 17, 2008

Nobody Told Me

Nevada should be blown off the face of the earth (and the salt flats for that matter).

This isn't exactly my sentiment, but the thought that runs through my head whenever I drive from California to Utah (with Grandparents who lived there and now siblings, it is just a reality). You drive along I-80 fighting the head nod, and the droopy eye syndrome. You roll down your windows, sing Blues Traveller at the top of your lungs, you maybe even try to remember all 50 states and state capitals (Massachusetts - how could I have forgotten you). And all the while you drink your Coke -- to stay awake of course.

For me, Coke drinking isn't regular - In fact, I don't like sodas at all. They seem crazy sweet and way too carbonated for my taste. I've always called myself a purist, because water is my beverage of choice. But I have friends that like the 40 ounces in any form they can. I never got it. It never seemed to keep me that awake - and it couldn't be for the Diet Cokey taste.

But then yesterday happened: a combination of little sleep and lots to do and a headache on top. And why I thought of a Coke, I'll never know. But at about one it seemed like my only option. I couldn't stop 'til I had one. And like magic, my headache and my droopy eyes left. So, why didn't anyone tell me about the magic? I'll I can think about it getting myself another Coke (although I still don't like the taste).


lynette said...

try pepsi, cherry pepsi actually. WAY better than coke.

Michelle said...

I'm a diet coke fiend, but not even diet coke could make me happy to be driving through Nevada! Its so dull!

Brandon said...

Diet Coke cures any and everything.

Megan said...

I'm a water lover like you and the funny thing is that when I was pregnant a coke was the only thing that got rid of headaches. hmmm... ;)

I have a couple states to add to Nevada - Kansas, Nebraska and most of Wyoming. Soooo incredibly painful to drive through!

Anonymous said...

I remember sitting in the hospital right after being diagnozed with the diabetes, dad brought me a huge diet coke, and with the first sip, this is a honest reaction, my heart sunk and I knew that I was never going to be the same. Oh yeah now I can't stand the real stuff, to sweat

Elise said...

Dean swears that Cokes have magical curing powers and makes me drink them when I'm not feeling well. I can't stand them either! Yucky.

hannah m said...

I totally remember your mom saying that about Nevada when we were kids, and I still think about it often (not being a fan of NV myself)!

Just yesterday Vince had a headache and a Coke was his go-to cure all. I'm not a soda fan either - but there's nothing like a Coke (regular, not diet) with Mexican food. MMmmmmm. And if you can get your hands on some Mexican Coke made with real sugar, not corn syrup, even better.

Kyndra said...

I hope Nevada isn't blown off the face of the earth while I live here.

I'm not a cola fan, but I also can't handle caffeine. It makes me anxious and tired. I took NoDoz in college once to stay awake to study for an exam and fell asleep flat on my face on the book in the hallway in the dorms and didn't wake up until the morning.

Kelley said...

I'm convinced that my lack of Diet Coke drinking was the reason I always fell asleep during work meetings while my coworkers had endless energy. But who can stand the stuff? Like drinking battery acid.