September 24, 2008

My Mom

My mom recently had a birthday. I collected thoughts from loved ones and this is what I wrote about her...

The art of finding sea glass is more complicated than it seems. The first task is finding your spot. If you are at our very own Pebble Beach, you’ll dismiss your shoes and sink your feet down into the rocks – deep into the heart of it. You can’t just reach in your hand and pull out a perfect turquoise oval, you must begin a mini excavation. In fact, the process of sifting and sorting is slow. It takes sharp eyes and a patient search. But when you find the stone that has been worn smooth by friction and age, you hold in your hand a true treasure.

This is the art I learned from my mother. But with all things in our natural world, if we look closely we can see that a true principle can be applied everywhere.

I have learned to from you how to find; truth, primarily. I have learned that looking and finding is a rewarding process. That time, itself, mustn’t be rushed. I have learned that great rewards are worth the struggle.

To a mother who has made struggle elegant, and yet always so real, I thank you. Your real is such a beautiful thing. Beautiful in the way you roll around on the trampoline, beautiful in the way you get caught up in the Yahoo Ocean painting, beautiful in the way you hold a leaf blower (or the way it pushes you and you hang on), beautiful in the leaves you press between glass, beautiful in the way you infuse a story with vigor, beautiful in the way you listen and love. You are a beautiful treasure. Love, Ang


Sarah Jean said...

What a pretty girl, and a more beautiful lady. We love you Catheirne.

lynette said...

what a great tribute!

eryn said...

Your mom is so wonderfully unique, and it's been such a gift to have her as a part of my life. It was truly a moving experience to watch her infuse her passion for song/entertainment into my children just as she did for me.

nicole said...

Ang take after a very talented lady who I so love and adore.

hannah m said...

Lovely words about a lovely person...Happy Birthday, Catherine!

And I LOVE that photo! LOVE it.

brooke said...

You are a beautiful writer. Happy Birthday Catherine! I love your mom. She is a wonderful lady. I feel so comfortable around her. I think it is because she is so real. Thanks for sharing.

Lane said...

What a lovely, well-written tribute, and no one is more deserving.

Happy Birthday dear Catherine!

Cheryl said...

That is such a beautifully written tribute to your wonderful mother that I love and admire too.