January 14, 2009

Green Eggs and Salami

Chase and his Grammy read and read and read. This morning, they read a daring tale about the adventure of a chicken named Louise. They also read Green Eggs and Ham which prompted Chase to request the same for breakfast. Now, Chase's requests are less like requests and more like desperate yearnings for an immediate response. I sighed looked in the fridge and said, "What about green eggs and salami?" Luckily, salami sufficed. And after a few drops of green food coloring we were in business. But when he said, "Try some, Mamma." I knew my line, "I do not like green eggs and ham." He countered with, "Try them, Try them, and you may." So, gulp, I tried them and can honestly say that eating green eggs do taste different. And I don't like them in a boat, or in a coat, or with a rhino or with anything else silly that can rhyme. But Chase did, and that makes me happy.

I know, they do NOT look good! Would you try them? I personally don't know how I feel about that green-egg-pusher Sam. Enough already, he doesn't want it.


Eva's Mom said...

That is sooooo gross. 3-4 is such a fun, fun age...their desperate needs, developing vocabulary, and short attention spans make for gut-busting moments!

hannah m said...

Adorable, but not appetizing! :-) I do not like green eggs and ham!

Carrie Hellewell said...

I love that your back! I've missed you so. Chase never ceases to make me giggle. I miss you all!

lynette said...

looks yummy to me!