July 7, 2009


Ok, this entry has a theme song...one you'll have to hum along, to help set the mood. It was that song Pop, or maybe it was called Dirty Pop by 'NSync. You know the era; back when Timberlake had curly hair. You would cringe to hear the bubble-gummiest pop on the radio, but somehow you still knew all the words to Bye, Bye, Bye. Ok, now that you know the song, I am ready to really hit it...

I like pop culture.

That's right, I said it. And like is probably an understatement.

I think that I spent so much of my childhood with my nose turned up to the hoi polloi...I was too concentrated on being cool or unique or something. I would stay far away from anything that was popular for example I never wore those floral boxers from Gap when everyone else did in the seventh grade. Maybe a better example is that I missed out on the New Kids On the Block obsession. Donny, Johnny, something, someone. And now that they are back, I am left wondering what I missed. I don't have the excitement that people around me do (mostly those people waiting days to see them on morning show rounds). Now some would say that I didn't miss out on New Kids; one might even argue that I narrowly escaped. But it isn't the talent, it is the feeling that I am talking about.

For example, I truly am so caught up in who Jillian is going to choose. I didn't want to get involved with something as desperately cheesy as rose ceremonies. And normally, I am a perfectly happy sideline mocker. But this time around, I care. I am more than relieved that the Bastard is gone, confused about how she has fallen for the neurotic Reid, worried that there hasn't been enough time with Ed, and concerned that Kiptyn can't really fall deep because he is too cautious.

I lalalaLOVE SYTYCD. It is hands down my favorite show of the year. I love to watch these people dance. Love.

I watch what I can of funerals of people I really was never that invested in, but want to hear what their childhood friend's say about this mysterious man who never really grow up.

I get excited when I see HSM 3 on showtime...you mean I get to watch Troy dance throughout the halls of his high school some more...great, I'll stay up until the wee hours of the morn. I've been blaming the obsession on Chase who genuinely loves High School Musical anything...but who am I kidding, I am the one who bought the soundtrack and listened over and over and over and, well, you get it.

If I listed my top ten friends; Luke, Lorelai, and Rory would be on that list.

I've watched the trailer for New Moon several times! Did I think the first movie was good? Absolutely not...I laughed through the entire thing. But, it doesn't stop me from wanting to see the next one. And it is more than wanting, I really love this "getting caught up in the hype".

I'm not sure if my ennui has pushed me to this desperate loving of all things pop culture, but I think it possibly more than that. I think that life is more fun getting caught up in the silly, the frivolous. I think that if I had the chance, I might start buying up Beanie Babies or collecting Star Wars figurines. I think that finding joy in the mundane is supremely rewarding. It is perhaps my own little paradigm shift. But for now, call me Bridget Jones and wish me a little more levity in life.


lynette said...

i'm a pop princess at heart too. try as i may, i cannot pull myself away from a season of the bachelor and if nsync ever reunites, look out!

Missi Waldron said...

I have the EXACT same obsessions!! I try to convince my kids to watch HSM instead of Dora all of the time. And as for the Bachelorette, you understand how thrilled I am that Wes is gone!!! I literally get giddy for Monday and Wednesday evenings (SYTYCD). Wish we could have a girls night and watch them together. You perfectly put into words how I feel (like a 12 year old :)).

Heather G. said...

Ha Ha, now I have that darn song stuck in my head and will for the rest of the day. It's a good thing I like it. I, too, admit that I really enjoy pop culture! Really, how could you not?? I still love Idol and if I get started on the Bachelor / Bachelorette I get totally sucked in (I was actually mad the Bachelor didn't pick Molly from the start - yes, I watched AND cared!)

Carrie Hellewell said...

Ok. So, you know that I am a pop culture whore. Excuse the language. I sometimes disgust myself but it doesn't stop me. Oh no. I'm pretty much obsessed with anything that Bravo puts out there. Um.. tell me you've seen NYC Prep. I think I know you well enough to tell you, you MUST watch it. It's brilliant. When I first saw the commercial all that went through my head was, "Bravo's done it again."

And all those housewives... I try and dissuade myself from getting involved, I just can't stop! They are all my guilty pleasure. Not that I limit myself to Bravo exclusively, I love SYTYCD and all things Top Model. AND the next season of Project Runway starts soon. I'm pathetic. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest.

On a side note. I miss you terribly. We are doing well in Utah but miss Menlo every day. How are you?

Ann said...

i'm with you! do you know that i often find myself watching sabrina the teenage witch and thinking of you (you did like that show, right? or am i just a confused nerd? possible both?) give me a good HSM and a great popping routine on SYTYCD and i'm happy as a lark! and don't even get me started on luke, lorelai and rory. love it all! and you most of all!

also love your smarts-had to look up the meaning of 'ennui'. you always amaze me.

laurel said...

We are the same person, living in different bodies in different cities.

1 - this is by far the best season of the Bachelor/ette ever. Seriously, I can't stop watching and am actually entertained and invested. I care.

2 - SYTYCD. No explanation necessary.

3 - MJ, maybe it's the fact that my favorite song as a child was "Beat It"

4 - My 21 year old sister and I stayed up way too late the other night watching all 3 HSM's. And Avery and I listen to the soundtracks on my iPhone while walking through the city. (iPhone's are the new boomboxes.)

5 - Luke, Lorelai, Rory, Lane, Paris, Logan, Sookie...

6 - I got goosebumps watching the New Moon trailer. Is there something wrong with me?

Love you - we need to talk soon - sorry - I am possibly coming to SF around Thanksgiving by the way :)

brooke said...

I love getting caught up in the hype too. And who better to chat about these fun things with than YOU! I love how you put it all. Anyone who is COOL at all, will agree with this post!

I really feel like Jillian is my friend. I have this strong desire to start dance lessons again because of SYTYCD. MJ was my first cassette tape! I will forever love his music. HSM, right up my alley baby. And New Moon opening night, WE ARE THERE.

hannah m said...

I just LOVE this post, Ang. I LOVE the joy that AI or RHoNYC or a juicy issue of US Weekly can bring me and I appreciate people who find joy in those things too.

But mostly I just love you!

PS You taught me some new words in this post. I had to look up ennui.

PPS I just added HSM to my tivo wishlist because I haven't gotten on that train yet and I think it's time, don't you?

angie said...

I love everyone who left a comment because I already loved you, but know that we could also spend every minute of a weeknight happily entertained...this good pop culture + laughter and friendship...sound like a perfect night!