February 8, 2007

Down with Roy

(Sorry, Dad, I don't mean you!)

If you watched The Office then you know what I am talking about...Pam left the wedding with Roy!! Jim had even caught her looking - and when their eyes met - they knew! I know they know! Why, oh why, hasn't Jim figured it out. She broke off her marriage for him - and then has never said anything. Why isn't Pam honest? And why doesn't Jim try again? Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Angie, love your blog! The variety is stimulating! I'm betting NBC will toy with us with the Jim/Pam bait for the entire season. Stand by for another season ending kiss.

Leslie said...

aaahhh! i haven't watched it yet. it's still on my dvr. that's ok. can't wait to see it now. :)

Anonymous said...

Sigh, indeed! Watching last night was causing such a roller coaster in my stomach (for a variety of reasons). But I say: down with Roy (not the real Roy, of course!) AND Karen! When will she get that she can never fill the void Pam has left in Jim's heart...?

Anonymous said...

I was really heartbroken, especially because the pre-views for the episode built it up with "Will Pam finally fight for love?" NO, I found out, she will NOT! How rude of them to get me all hyped up and dissappoint me so greatly. Oh well, looking forward to next week. I am sooo glad that I am not the only Office nerd following the Pam/Jim romance so intensely! Love You!

Abbie said...

i have given up the witty humor for the eye candy that is McDreamy in Greys anatomy. You may be ashamed at the moment but ang check it out and you'll understand