February 7, 2007

The Himalayas

I first saw this picture at the Palo Alto Art & Wine Festival about a year ago. It was love at first sight! I loved this and everything Lisa Kristine photographed. I couldn't stop thinking about this woman walking to work in the fields with the majestic Himalayan Mountains as her backdrop. Because the thing you can't see here is her face - she has the warmest, most contented smile I have ever seen. And as I looked at her face - my eyes actually filled up with tears. Now, I am not the most sentimental gal - but I felt something. I saw her and felt connected. I felt a deep reservoir of goodness in women. Women who act with courage and keep going. And I guess that's what I saw - and I love it!

My sister, Abbie, just sent me this picture--also with the Himalayan Mountains as the backdrop (her good friend was recently there). And this picture is also amazing to me. But, this picture strikes me as a reminder of friendship. Two women. They understand the high plateau - and have each other. I can't help but think of my friends. Friends who have come to visit from near and far, friends who have reached out by phone or email, friends who have sat and cried with me, friends who listen and friends who know...thank you.

1 comment:

w. said...

I've never forgotten your Himalayan Amazing Woman portrait. It reminds me often to keep going. You know I love you.