February 9, 2007

Rodin and Rainboots

Today we went to the Rodin Sculpture Garden over at the Leland Stanford Museum. I have always admired Rodin's work...The Kiss, The Thinker. But, today, we took it to a new level. We tried to become each sculpture in the garden as we came upon it; for example, James does a great tortured face when imitating the Gates of Hell. But, the best part of the outing, was wearing our rain boots and puddle hopping our way around the garden. Its been raining and we decided to brave the elements. Besides, I really love rainboots--last year was green frogs and this year is (from left to right) fireman boots, leopard print, and bears!

We even splashed in this puddle on the sculpture.


laurel said...

FUN! I want to be there with you!

Meg said...

Puddles- I love to splash puddles. I make excuses every chance I can get to wear my rain boots. They are the best!