April 13, 2007

Backyard Quidditch

James got a snitch for Easter and when we were playing in the backyard he found the longest-straightest stick ever - a perfect broom stick. So, one plus two equals a Nimbus 2000 and hence our own version of backyard Quidditch.

The rules:
1. The Seeker must close his eyes while the golden snitch is hidden somewhere in the backyard.
2. The Seeker then "flies" around the backyard looking for the snitch...
3. The other two players throw dodge-ball weight "bludgers" at him, trying to distract him from his finding.
4. Once the snitch is found, we rotate who is the one and only Seeker.

Here's James finding the snitch and flying the Nimbus 2000...

And here's Chase waiting while the snitch is hidden and flying on his less dangerous broomstick; the noodle makes an excellent Firebolt...

Considering that it was only James, Chase, and I - I have lofty ideas for expanding the game when all my siblings descend on Northern California in the next three weeks - Ben and Pat will be perfect Beaters. Be warned - because we will be playing Quidditch on a much grander scale.


Jessie & Pat said...

I cannot wait to be a part of backyard Quidditch. I could definitely, seriously, get into this. Get ready family, we're coming!

laurel said...

I want to play!

catherine said...

I still really don't get the people who are trying to throw a different ball through the hoops and who is that going to be. I can just see me "Grammy" being the one flying from one side of the yard to the other putting balls through hoops while everyone has the real fun.

Ammon said...

First seater war and now Quidditch! Man, how do I become a member of this family? Hey, anyone up for a game of kickball?

cecily said...

sounds like too much fun. wish you were here to play with us!

For now said...

i love the pictures

Anonymous said...

Can't wait. Ang i swear your imagination is better than most 5 yr olds

Anonymous said...

I can just imagine how intense the match was- great snitch.