June 28, 2007

But, I Don't Want to Be Her

I am Elinor Dashwood!

It's past midnight, and I should be in bed, because I really have to get up early tomorrow. But, I was too busy wasting my life away. And, in the process, I took this quiz several times...and, well, I couldn't lie...and well, I don't want to be Elinor. Every single time I got her - even if I slightly changed answers. Don't get me wrong, I adore Emma Thomson, her Golden Globe speech years ago was my favorite, truly hilarious. In fact, she introduced me to the wonderful word nefarious. But, in Sense and Sensibility she played Elinor, the boring one. The constant, pleasant, responsible one who is always hiding her true feelings. Boring, boring, boring, sigh. I even answered that I would want to be played by Keira Knightly or Jennifer Ehle - wouldn't that mean I would be Elizabeth from Pride and Prejudice?! Oh, this is a terrible tragedy. And on that note, I, being full of sense (the horror) will go to bed.


Anonymous said...

Well, I just took it and I am Elinor as well. But I wear it with pride! Elinor is one of my favorite characters. I love people who are responsible and do the right thing. Not because I always do, but I aspire to someday.

Ann said...

I think you have those traits, but you are also passionate and fun and funny and wonderful and a great friend...I could go on all day. I'm not sure which heroine that would be (I need to brush up on my Jane Austen) but I love you to pieces!

Kyndra said...

You're Elinor with huge personality. I just found out you were Baby Spice one year for Halloween, and that doesn't sound so "boring Elinor" to me. Besides, I took the quiz and I am Elinor's sister, so we can have fun together.

Mindy and Tyler said...

I just took it and I'm also an Elinor. Maybe it's rigged!

Actually, I can really see myself being like boring Elinor, but I think you're much too exciting and passionate. You're an Elizabeth in my book!

Katie said...

Something is seriously wrong - I got Marianne and notice it claims that my singing voice is captivating. My singing voice is something, but I'm not sure captivating is the right word.

:: M A R I A N N E ::

You are Marianne Dashwood of Sense & Sensibility! You are impulsive, romantic, impatient, and perhaps a little to vocal in your honesty. You enjoy romantic poetry and novels, and play the pianoforte beautifully. To boot, your singing voice is captivating. You feel deeply, and love passionately.

angie said...

katie, it is, i love sitting next to you when you sing - you are my favorite person bar none - i adore your singing voice - it makes me so happy - and fills me with courage!

Anonymous said...

A. You are Elinor
B. You have totally misinterpreted her, she isn't quite or boring. She is wise and totally awesome, and you get to kiss hugh grant...hello totaly awesome

angie said...

hopefully, i'm a spunky elinor at least - almost elizabethish

Alicia said...

angie - just wanted you to know that i am (sigh) elinor as well. i guess we "boring" girls can stick together!

catherine said...

I agree with Abbie!!! Elinor is being defamed here!!!! She is passionate and feels deeply, she just has learned, correctly, that there is a time for passion and a time for reason.
Go....you passionate Elinor, you

Anonymous said...

I did that a while back and I was Elinore too. I'm not a big Jane Austen fan so I wasn't sure who she was at first. I hear your point of view and agree.