October 4, 2007

love, from Ashley

Name: Ashley Walker
How long you've know Angie: 9 years via Lane
Met her: through Lane's letters to me while I was on my mission

I remember leaving on my mission and praying my family would be looked after. Lane moved into the Rose House with Angie. I remember hearing stories about the "Spice Girls" Halloween, magical feats in toilet papering, mafia games galore, Jimmy hairs on every continent, chin-up contests, dancing in the Robinson's kitchen, and endless fun and laughter with new found friends.

The only time I have seen Angie out of sorts is after babysitting Miss Famous as a puppy. The dog had more energy than ten toddlers on a sugar high so who can blame you?!

The Robinsons are full of life and love. Angie got an extra dose. You were an answer to my prayers and mine are now with you.


Lane said...

So true. I forgot that our family was going through a hard time when I moved into the Rose House, and Ashley was my shoulder to lean on. When she left on her mission I didn't know what I was going to do without her.

There wasn't a better place I could've gone than the Rose House--or the Robinsons!

angie said...

i didn't remember watching miss famous - i remember when you guys got her - but i'm a bit afraid of dogs - thanks for this memory - and your kind words and prayers