October 10, 2007

love, from Ben

Name: Ben Robinson
Has known Angie for: 22 years, 4 months, and 25 days
Met her: Never met her - she's always been a part of who I am

I remember:
Her taking me to my first high school basketball game. I still remember #5 was really good.

Her coaching my soccer team and making me embarrassed while doing the "butterfly stretch."

Driving to Utah with her and memorizing the Blues Travelers' "Hook."

When I was going to the hospital yet again (approx. age 9) for an infection and she gave me a lucky marble, which I still have. It got me through the night.

Begging her for the GOOD leotard before Pat got it again.

Driving with the family to drop her off at college and thinking how long a person could possibly cry for.

When she helped move me in at BYU, trying to find where my class in the SLCE building was (it ended up being in Salt Lake if you're curious).

Most of all I remember always knowing that she would be there for me no matter what.


Katie said...

What great memories!

catherine said...

I remember Ben's big silent tears, it was heartbreaking. He's always adored you.

Lane said...

I was LAUGHING OUT LOUD at the leotard comment, esp after Emily's post. You MUST have loved your sister to be willing to put on a leotard.

I'm glad you and Pat survived unscarred.

angie said...

ben, for some reason, your kindnesses have always pulled at my heartstrings - and your smile has always lifted my heart. i had forgotten about the marble, but am glad that you hadn't...