October 2, 2007

love, from Katianne

Name: Katianne Annison
Met Angie: in Menlo Park

I remember when the movie Newsies was popular and Angie actually looked up Joseph Pulitzer in the encyclopedia to learn more about him. She showed me how striking the resemblance was of the actor and the real man. Up until then I only noticed how cute Christian Bale was!


angie said...

its good to know somethings stay the same - like how good looking Christian Bale is! i really do love this movie...and your kind hug, Kati!

Lane said...

LoL that Angie would look up JP when the rest of us were looking up Christian Bale in Tiger Beat.

JP was actually pretty cute!

catherine said...

We lived with the Newsies music constantly for months...Angie, lived every moment of that movie