October 3, 2007

love, from Katie

Name: Katie (Brown) DuRocher
Has known Angie for: 9 years
Met her: In Provo, Utah

I remember near-death adventures with Angie…

I remember learning to roller blade with Angie. She was so patient as I was so awful. I remember making a long journey to the Stanford Mall from her house and nearly getting hit by the train. Crossing train tracks on roller blades when the warning signal is sounding is not the best of ideas.

I remember missing our friend E. Berg so much that we caked our faces with flour to make them white, dressed in all black, and took pictures at the Berg Mortuary, in order to make a picture book as a gift for E. Berg when she got home from a road trip.

I remember many Sunday dinners with Angie in Provo, only to be followed up by hours of fun playing the card game “pooh head.” Great company, delicious food, and fun games – it was perfect.

I remember Angie always being her friend’s and family’s biggest fan. She makes everyone feel like they can do anything and overlooks all of their shortcomings. I remember her telling me that her mom always recognized her grades when she was little and telling how smart she was and how proud of her she was… only to find out later that her grades weren’t as stellar as she thought. This trait was definitely passed onto Angie. I remember thinking of this story as I watched her boys show off some of their “stellar” gymnastics skills. As far as they were concerned, they were on their way to winning the gold, because of their mom’s encouragement.

I remember rockin’ out to songs in the car with Angie. She always makes me feel not so self conscience about my imperfections, especially my not quite in-tune singing voice.

I remember Angie taught me how to make caramelized almonds.

I remember starting “frequent fitness” with Angie, it was our plan to get into shape. Setting a goal and working towards it is always tough. But with Angie as your partner, even running around the same track day in and day out can be fun.


Lane said...

I remember that "Berg Mortuary" book! I didn't know you guys that well yet, and I thought you were weird. And kind of awesome.

angie said...

i can't read these without wanting to be with you - hear you sing - because i truly adore it and you!

Katie said...

If you get really lucky - you might get a special live solo from me next week on your birthday. Is there a better song to sing your heart out to than "Happy Birthday"?

Lane said...

I prefer "My friend the dinosaur."