October 3, 2007

love, from Lisa

Name: Lisa Marion
Known Angie for: 4 years this month
Met her: in NYC

I remember every moment with Angie is a teaching moment. Waiting in line turned into an opportunity for a mini preschool. Find the letter A on this receipt. Count how many people we see wearing rain boots, sing a little song, etc.

I remember Angie had cute little sayings like same, same and use your words.

I remember play dates, and play dates, and play dates. James and Isaac would play wonderfully, and Lucas ADORED Ang. I remember the wonderful conversations we would have. I would usually leave thinking and challenging myself to do this better, or try that because of something Angie said.

I remember meeting Angie at a Halloween party at 25 Broad and James in an adorable elephant costume with big beautiful eyes. She was so easy to befriend.

I remember Angie making motherhood look beautiful and easy. The way she set up her apartment, James’ room, and especially the kitchen made her home so inviting.

I remember the way Angie made me feel when I would talk to her about problems. Somehow she made me feel better, maybe by highlighting my good traits in our conversation and sneaking in subtle compliments. She is an optimist and it is nearly impossible not to feel good after getting off the phone with her.

I remember wanting to spend time with her and her family. We always enjoyed them.

I remember cutting/coloring her hair. It was always easy to make it look nice.

Something that is particularly easy to remember is Angie’s graciousness.

1 comment:

angie said...

lisa, my own personal catalyst, thanks for your ability to "do" - and it's always kindness, and goodness that you are spreading with your actions