October 9, 2007

love, from Laurel

Name: Laurel
Met Angie: 4 years ago when she moved to NYC

I remember the first time Angie had us over for dinner. She made a roast and mashed potatoes. It felt like home.

I remember being able to call Angie on any lazy afternoon and she would let us come play in her apartment. She'd bring out boxes of toys and we'd just talk and laugh for hours.

I remember Angie's advice, tips, truths.

I remember finding out that, like me, Angie likes to look over a restaurant's menu before agreeing to eat there.

I remember yummy treats, cookies, soups, casseroles, breads...always something baking away in her kitchen! I was lucky to be sent home with these tasty things often.

I remember listening to Angie tell stories to James and Chase on long walks around the city. I remember thinking that I could never come up with such imaginative tales!

I remember being with Angie during one of her most sad and difficult moments and hearing her thank her Heavenly Father for the joys in her life and for her friends. What an amazing example.

I remember that Angie is someone who wants to see Step Up in the theater with you and get together weekly for So You Think You Can Dance. She will laugh and cry and obsess over Travis and Allison, too.

I remember spending the most fun day with her in her hometown in California.I remember that Angie worries and cares about other people, so much more than herself.


catherine said...

It's soooo exciting that someone loves, "So You Think You Can Dance" as much as me.

angie said...

laurel, i still say, that our similarities are amazing - i can remember a swimming afternoon we were both so careful with words - that i had to laugh - i am so glad to know you and treasure your friendship - it better be life long!