October 3, 2007

love, from Lynette

Name:Lynette Beckstrom
Known Angie for: 7 years
Met her: during a New Member Meeting in our ward in

I remember Angie has a way of saying, "Uuummmm" in a
humming/musical way. It's so adorable and infectious!
I started doing it too.

I remember Angie living with me for about a week while
she was waiting on her new apartment to become
available. She vacuumed my apartment every day for me,
which means she really knows me and loves me. It was
fun coming home to Angie.

I remember Angie's love for Tillamook Cheese. I'm not
sure I love it as much as she does, but I buy it
because it reminds me of her.

I remember Angie shared my love for Pop Music and Teen

I remember stealing Angie's style. From her clothes to
how she decorates, everything about her is so

I remember my first Thanksgiving away from my family I
spent with Angie. She used her China and made it
really special. It eased the pain.

I remember hunting down Reef Sandals with her in the
University Mall. She bought red ones with white polka
dots (I wanted to copy her!)

I remember Angie being the glimmer of light when I was
in a dark place. She has a calming way of making
everything seem alright.

I remember Angie came to me once when she was having a
problem and I felt honored.

I remember being in Nursery with her and singing and
dancing around. She knew all the neatest songs.

I remember getting the best new mom advice from Angie.
She IS the most amazing mother/friend/person I know.

1 comment:

angie said...

lynette, i re-remember these things too. thank you for the gift of your memory and friendship!